Lecture 04, 18.300, Thu Feb 10, 2022. Summary % Do #007, SKIP #008--#009, continue with #010--#011. Notes: 1) Went through Flood Waves equation and showed why, generically, the flux q = Q(A) is superlinear [dQ/dA grows with A]. 2) Replaced #008 by a derivation of the Klein-Gordon equation for a taut string on an elastic bed, using conservation of transversal momentum. Then showed how conservation of energy follows automatically. Note that mass and longitudinal momentum are trivial because there is no horizontal displacement in the infinitesimal amplitude regime --- this follows because then the longitudinal tension forces, T*cos(theta), are constant up to quadratic terms [here theta is the angle with the horizontal, so u_x = tan(theta)]. % % ========================================================================== NOTE: Here #nnn are references to the Lecture Points file. [PSQ] means Problem Set Question. The "lecture summaries and points" are NOT intended as study materials. The points purpose is explained in the "lecture points" file. The summaries are brief descriptions each lecture, used by the instructor to keep track of the material covered. They ARE *NOT* "lecture notes" to be used to study and/or replace attending the lectures, etc. They are provided for your convenience, as a help to organize your own notes. % ========================================================================== % EOF