18.101 - Analysis and Manifolds (Fall 2010)

Instructor: Victor Guillemin

Office: Room 2-107

Email: vwg [at] math . mit .edu

Lectures: M T W 11-12 Room 2-143

Office Hours: TBA

Grader: John Berman

Email: jberm [at] mit .edu


Introduction to the theory of manifolds: vector fields and densities on manifolds, integral calculus in the manifold setting and the manifold version of the divergence theorem.

Prerequisites: 18.100; 18.06, 18.700, or 18.701. 18.901 helpful but not required.

Textbooks: Munkres, "Analysis on Manifolds" and Spivak, "Calculus on Manifolds".


[09.09.2010]  Welcome to the Fall semester!

[10.01.2010]  The date of the midterm is October 15. Daily homework up to October 1 has been posted.

[10.22.2010]  Course notes for the second part of the class: PDF

[12.06.2010]  Daily homework up to December 6 has been posted.