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Problem 4

Suppose that $ x$ and $ y$ are two points in the unit disk $ D=\{\vert z\vert<1;z\in\mathbb{R}^2\}$ in $ \mathbb{R}^2.$ Using results from class (or otherwise) show that the set $ \{tx+(1-t)y;t\in[0,1]\}$ is connected. Using this, or otherwise, show that if $ D$ has a decomposition $ D=A\cup B$ where $ \bar A\cap
B=\emptyset$ and $ A\cap\bar B=\emptyset$ (closure in $ D)$ then one of them must be empty. What does this say about $ D?$

Proof. [Solution] For two fixed points $ x,y\in D,$ the map $ f:[0,1]\longrightarrow tx+(1-t)y$ is continuous since each component is a linear function of $ t,$ hence continuous. By theorems from class, the interval $ [0,1]$ is connected and the image of a connected set under a continuous map is connected. Thus the line $ L_{x,y}=\{tx+(1-t)y;t\in[0,1]\}$ is connected. It lies in $ D$ by the triangle inequality

$\displaystyle \vert tx+(1-t)y\vert\le t\vert x\vert+(1-t)\vert y\vert<1.$    

Now, suppose that $ D=A\cup B$ is a decomposition as described above and that neither $ A$ nor $ B$ is empty. Thus we can choose $ x\in A$ and $ y\in
B.$ Now consider the decomposition of $ L_{x,y}=A'\cup B'$ where $ A'=A\cap
L_{x,y}$ and $ B'=B\cap L_{x,y}.$ Since $ L_{x,y}$ is the continuous image of a compact set it is also compact, and hence closed. Thus the closures in $ L_{x,y}$ satisfy $ \overline{A'}\subset \bar A\cap L_{x,y}$ and $ \overline{B'}\subset \bar B\cap L_{x,y}.$ Hence we deduce that $ \overline{A'}\cap B'=A'\cap\overline{B'}=\emptyset.$ So using the connectedness of $ L_{x,y}$ we deduced that one of $ A'$ of $ B'$ must be empty, but this contradicts the assumption that both $ A$ and $ B$ are non-empty. Thus one of $ A$ or $ B$ must in fact be empty and this means that $ D$ itself must be connected. $ \qedsymbol$

Remark: What you are showing here is that `pathwise connectedness implies connectedness'.

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Richard B. Melrose 2002-10-19