18.314 PROBLEM SET 5 (due Thursday November 17, 2005) Problem 1. [Bona, p 200, (25)] Prove that in any simple graph, there are two vertices with the same degree. (A simple graph is a graph that has no loops and has no multiple edges.) Problem 2. [Bona, p. 229, (23)] Prove that a tree has more leaves than vertices of degree at least three. Problem 3. Let G be a connected graph with positive weights on edges. We would like to find a subgraph H of G such that (1) the graph G - H obtained from G by removing edges of H is connected; (2) the sum of weights of edges in H is as big as possible for subgraphs that satisfy (1). Let us try to use the greedy algorithm: Pick an edge e_1 of G of maximal weight such that G - {e_1} is connected; then pick an edge e_2 of maximal weight such that G - {e_1,e_2} is still connected, etc. Will this algorithm always produce a subgraph with the desired property? Prove that the greedy algorithm always works or find a counterexample. Problem 4. Find a formula for the number of labeled trees on 2n vertices such that each vertex has either degree 3 or degree 1 (leaf). For example, for n=2, there are 4 such trees: They have 1 central node (labeled by a number 1, 2, 3, or 4) connected with 3 leaves. (Hint: Try to count Prufer codes of such trees.) Problem 5. Prove that the number of spanning trees in the complete bipartite graph K_mn is m^{n-1} n^{m-1}. (Hint: Use the Matrix-Tree theorem or try to modify Prufer coding for bipartite graphs.) Problem 6 (bonus) Let PF_n be the set of sequences (a_1,...,a_n) of positive integers such that the increasing rearrangement c_1 <= ... <= c_n of a_1,...,a_n satisfies c_i <= i, for i=1,...,n. For example, the set PF_3 consists of 16 sequences: FP_3 = {123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321, 113, 131, 311, 112, 121, 211, 122, 212, 221, 111}. Find a bijection between the set PF_n and labeled trees on n+1 vertices and thus show that |PF_n| = (n+1)^{n-1}. (A partial credit will be given for a non-bijective proof of the claim that |PF_n| = (n+1)^{n-1}.)