18.314 PROBLEM SET 2 (due Tuesday October 04, 2005) Problems 1-5: [Bona] p.78 #32, p.102 (#18, #20, #22), p.123 #30 Problem 6: For positive integers n, k, show that the sum of binomial coefficients C(n,0) + C(n+1,1) + C(n+2,2) + ... + C(n+k,k) (diagonal entries in the Pascal triangle) is a certain binomial coefficient. Here and in Problem 12, C(a,b) is the binomial coefficent "a choose b". Problem 7: Prove that the number of compositions of n with all odd parts equals the Fibonacci number. Problem 8: Show that the numbers F(n,r) of compositions on n with all parts >= r satisfy the "generalized Fibonacci relation": F(n,r) = F(n-1,r) + F(n-r,r), for n>r. Deduce that the numbers F(n,2) are the Fibonacci numbers. Problem 9: Find a bijection between partitions of n with odd parts and partitions of n with distinct parts. Problem 10: A self-conjugate partition is a partition lambda such that lambda' = lambda. For a nonnegative integer r, calculate the number of self-conjugate partitions with all parts <= r. Problem 11: (Bonus) The amazon (also known as the maharaja and as the cavalry queen) is the chess piece that can move as the queen and as the knight. Find the maximal number of nonattacking amazons that can be placed on the 6 x 6 chessboard? What can you say about an n x n chessboard? Problem 12: (Bonus) Describe all integers a, b, c, d such that the inequality C(a,b) C(a,c) >= C(a,b+d) C(a,c-d) holds. What about a more general inequality of the form C(a,b) C(c,d) >= C(a+e, b+f) C(c-e,d-f) ?