PHYSICAL MATHEMATICS SEMINAR TOPIC: STOCHASTIC EVOLUTION OF HAPLOID POPULATIONS: REVIEW AND APPLICATIONS TO VIROLOGY SPEAKERS: I.M. ROUZINE* and J.M. COFFIN Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology Tufts University ABSTRACT: Due to easily controlled conditions of growth, enormous population sizes, and extremely high mutation rates, RNA viruses represent an ideal experimental system to test methods and models of population biology. There exists a considerable amount of data on genetic diversity of HIV and less notorious viruses, impressive research facilities to obtain such data, and a pressing need to predict effects of genetic evolution of HIV on the prospects of drug and vaccine development. We analyze a broad range of problems of population genetics with a view to virological applications, such as accumulation of deleterious mutants and fixation of advantageous genetic virus variants in vitro, and evolution of HIV within and between infected patients. In the first part of the project, we focus on one- and two-locus models including random genetic drift, mutation, and selection. Evolutionary behavior of the frequency of deleterious mutants is analyzed using a stochastic equation of diffusion (Wright-Fisher) type predicting the time-dependent probability density of the mutant frequency, as well as direct Monte-Carlo simulation. We show that evolution becomes almost deterministic is controlled by selection at very large population sizes, $N >> 1/ \mu$, while smallest populations, $N << 1/s$, exhibit "neutral" behavior, in the sense that selection does not matter much, and random drift dominates. In the intermediate, broad interval, $1/ \mu << N << 1/s$, termed the selection-drift regime, populations almost uniform genetically behave essentially randomly, while highly polymorphic populations exhibit almost deterministic behavior. Based on these findings, we apply a specially designed linkage disequilibrium test to several two-locus population models to show that an effective HIV population, in a typical untreated patient, is larger than $1/ \mu ~ 10^{5}$ infected cells, i.e., either at the border or within the deterministic regime. We also studied a cluster of models describing random sampling during transmission between patients to show, by excluding alternative models, that the observed high level of genetic diversity in the pro gene of HIV is, most likely, due to strong differences in the best-fit sequence between individuals, 16%. We also discuss our ongoing effort to account for linkage and biological interaction (epistasis) between multiple loci. We propose a novel method to trace evolution of individual sequences as a percolation in multi-dimensional space of genetic variants. DATE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2000 TIME: 2:30 PM LOCATION: Building 2, Room 338 Refreshments will be served at 3:30 PM in Room 2-349 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics Cambridge, MA 02139