Online Segal Archive

Title: DRWRs34-36

Descriptive symbol: UDT - Unspecified Document Type

Category of document: Unspecified Documents

Sub-Category of document: Unspecified

Title:	DRWRs34-36
Descriptive symbol:	UDT - Unspecified Document Type
Category of document:	Unspecified Documents
Sub-Category of document:	Unspecified

Drawer – 34 a, ax, t, tx. Box 52 (cont.)
File 1 (red) *A few 1997 e-mails.* Box 53. “Computations 1975-1976 Theoretical Derivation of Redshift” au, 80. “Phenom. ??? Corr. ” astr. 1974 – 1975, 15. “Phenom. Analysis: Correspondence” 1973 – 1975, 60. *Soneira Case 1979* astr corr, contains “The dependence of the redshift-distance exponent of the regression of redshift on apparent magnitude” 3/12 1979, 13 pp., unpublished; 110. 
File 2 (yellow). “Morphology-Luminosity…” 1982 -, 168-related, 180. *194-related,* 60. *181-related,* contains Varna lecture transp., 50. 
File 3 *blue). “Science Corr Re ‘Nature,” 194-related, 50. “Durham, 1989…” 189-related, 25. *188-related* (rejected by the Annals), 100. *The computer-intensive statistics of flux-limited samples* (=sbf 1) has his “The computer-intensive statistics of flux-limited samples” tx, 10pp, for Conf. “Astronomy from large data bases…”, Garching, October, 1987; corr., 50. *111-related, au* and a few 1978 letters, 50. 
File 4 (red). *92-related,* draft, 90. “To file + act on” 1978 work and letters, 70. *180-related* (declined by Phys.Rev.), 1981, 70. 
File 5 (yellow). *117-, and 128-related,* 25. *1965* 59-related(?), 15. “CBR-Goebel” 147-related, 25. Box 54. *12/28/93* letter to Gelfand, 4. *93-97* letters, docs; 30. *196-draft* 70. *200-related* 90. *224.* “The empirical local flux-redshift relation” with JFN, 3/25/97, pc, 15pp and tables (30).
File 6 (green) *1993-1998 corr., other docs*, 150 pp. 
File 7 “NSF 1989-1990” 200pp.
File 8 “ConvergencePNAS” 204, 70. *196 docs.* 

Drawer – 35 a, ax, t, tx. Box 54 (cont.)
File 1 (yellow). “Fermion Quant.” 1994 notebook, 40 au. “MSU Wiener Talk Proc.AMS” 210-related, 100. *202* corr., 70. “To file” 1982 – 1993, 30. *211 drafts,* corr., 90. 
File 2 (red). *1994* report on Endean’s manuscript (for Astr.J.), 20. “Convergence…” 1991 – 1992, 197-related corr., drafts, 90. “Wiener Biog 9/88”drafts, letters, 50. *208-related,* 80. Letters, docs, 1960 – 1961 (were not in a folder), 50 (about 100 pages). 
File 3 (blue). “To act on” 1969, 1980; contains # 127 (final draft and corr.), his proposals at MIT (about the building and other); 70. *Loose letters, docs*1954 – 1984, 120pp. *New Book* (corr., new book – in preparation? Sections’, chapters’ folders – continued in file 4), 1960 – 1976; 100. 
File 4 (yellow). *AMS corr.* 1963, 40. “Int. Cong. Corr.” 1962-1963, 60. *New Book* (see file 3), a few folders, 90. “Decay & Scattering” (# 98-related, 50. 
File 5 (red). *131-related* drafts 1980, 25. *Mathematical Cosmology* drafts, 1973, 30. “Development of QFT” (Austin 1970 Talk, not on the List), in “Fields and Quanta”, 40pp. *Letters, docs* contains “QM and Field Theory” (9/12/78, t 42pp.), his au notes (on QFT, old?), 90pp. “Parity paper” drafts, 1980, 50. *Kyoto 1974 Lecture* outline, 4. Box 56. “Parallel Tests of Redshift-Distance Laws In Diverse Wave Bands” 7/12/98, pc, with JFN, (has other 1997-1998 drafts and corr.), 100. 
File 6 (green) *The empirical flux-redshift…* corr. 1997, 50. 
File 7 (green) “NSF FF-90” 1988–, letters, proposals, other docs.; contains “To sort - file” folder; 200. 
File 8 “Baez” 150. 

Drawer – 36 a, ax, t, tx. Box 56 (cont.)
File 1 (yellow). A. Klein/P. Hislop NSF proposal review by IES, 50 pp. “The Day…” SP-related, 40. 
File 2 (green) “Students” doctoral. 
File 3 “Steve Mem” S. Paneitz related, has letters to IES from Joyce Coleman, 158-related text (“The Day Steve Drowned”), 100. 
File 4 “Simon Review 1981”
File 5 “Sandage (Flap)s”
File 6 “Professional Controversy” 1981, astronomy, 80pp. 
File 7 “1984 - ” letters up to 1986, 200. A. Klein/P. Hislop NSF proposal review has been put into File 1 (50 pp.).
File 8 “Max Like  PRL 7/98” with JFN “Maximum-Likelihood estimation…”, contains “Quantum-Like effects in financial markets” 63pp. with William (might be 220-related). *A few letters* from box 56, 1987, 1990; 5.
File 9 “Gravity” has drafts of “The Nature of Gravity” unpublished 1998. 
File 10 “Parallel 8/98” two drafts of “Parallel Tests of Redshift-Distance Laws in Diverse Wave Bands” (not on the List) with JFN, a letter to H. A. Abt. 
File 11 “Birthday Party” 1979, 20. 
File 12 “Phen 4/98 …” 226-related but also contains “Validation of the conformal energy” with JFN 2/20/98, pc 19pp and tables (not on the List), 90. 
File 13 “Black-Scholes” 1998 contains corr. (and drafts) rel. to “Quantum-Like Effects in Financial Markets” with William Segal, declined by SIAM in 1998, 110.