Note: The schedule is subject to change. Check back for changes and updates. Last Modified: .

Order of presenters

2 per class for 1st, 2nd, final presentations; 6 per class for 2/13,2/20 and 2/25,2/27 presentations;

1. D.L.
2. M.P.
3. S.P.
4. J.C.
5. J.H.
6. S.T.
7. K.N
8. A.C.
9. X-Y(L).Z
10. C.G.
11. C.S.
12. K. B-R.

Semester Timeline
Date Topic Due in class
2/4Overview & Intro
2/6Elements of a good presentation
2/11Sample Talks
2/13Students present solutions (any course, 5-10min) LaTeX Paper and Beamer slides (1 printed page with equations and a picture; 1-3 Beamer slides with equations and a picture)
2/18No class (Monday schedule)
2/20Continue: Students present solutions (any course, 5-10min) LaTeX Paper and Beamer slides (1 printed page with equations and a picture; 1-3 Beamer slides with equations and a picture)
2/25,27Examples of good and bad papers Electronic copies of good and bad papers to present (5-10min each)
3/4,6,11,13,18First Presentations Order of Students TBD; 15-20min each with discussion to follow
3/20Finish with First Presentations Printed copy of 1st paper and slides (2 slides/page)
3/25,27Spring Break
4/1,3,8,10,15Second Presentations Order of Students TBD; 15-25min each with discussion to follow
4/17Finish with Second Presentations Printed copy of 2nd paper and slides (2 slides/page)
4/22Patriots Day (no class)
4/24,29,5/1,6,8,13Final Presentations Order of Students TBD; 30min each with brief discussion to follow
5/15Wrap Up (Last Day of Class) Printed copy of final paper and slides (2 slides/page)