18.376 MIT (Fall 2023) Rosales % ======================================================================== % GENERIC POINTS % ========================================================= % If you do not understand something in class: STOP AND ASK for a better explanation, please. Talk to me if you have a problem. Do not wait till it becomes unsolvable. The problem sets answers are uploaded electronically, from anywhere in the world. And you will have at least a week to work with them. If you need an extension, have a GOOD reason. % ======================================================================== % POLICIES ON PROBLEM SET COLLABORATION % ================================== % Collaboration is encouraged. However: You can exchange information with other students, in the sense of general ideas, hints, pitfalls to avoid and so on. That is: WITHIN REASON. However: "let me see/copy the answer", or equivalent, is NOT within reason. You can also consult books and other materiel available in the library, for information relevant to a problem you may have forgotten [but NOT to see if you can find the problem done somewhere]. The MOST IMPORTANT CRITERIA is: When you write your final answer, you must do so 100% alone, with full understanding of every dot that goes there. When doing this you can ONLY have on hand: The course notes provided by the instructor (via the course WEB page or in-class hand-outs). Your own notes from the lectures. Nothing else. If you have any questions about the policies, ask the instructor. You will be held responsible for everything that is in your answer, and the instructor reserves the right to call you for an explanation. Specifically: You may be asked to do the problem (or part of it) again, in front of the instructor, and explain your steps. If this process indicates that you do not understand your own answer, you may loose up to all of the credit for the entire problem set --- depending on the severity of the situation. % ======================================================================== % POLICIES ON PRESENTATION. % ============================================== % 1) As explained in the syllabus, the problem set answers: Must be uploaded, in pdf format, to the canvas page. They must be typed, font 11-12. Preferably using LaTeX. A template will be provided. Please keep the file size reasonable! Large file sizes seem to bog down the canvas grading program. This means, when you include pictures, be careful. None of the problems will require high resolution pictures in full color. If you draw and scan, draw in black and white and scan in "text" format with low resolution. 2) Write in clear and logical English. Explain your ideas. No "out of the blue" answers with no justification. Avoid the use of unexplained jargon (mathematical or other). Jargon is not a sign of understanding. Note: One advantage of LaTeX is that it will not allow you to use "arrows" connecting different formulas; as well as strange symbols. It and will force you to explain the actual idea or process that you are employing. It will also help you keep your symbols straight, e.g.: without morphing from latin zetas to greek zetas and back. % ======================================================================== % % EOF