Alan Edelman's Upcoming Conferences

Past Conferences (1999-2012)


  • Jan 11, NASK 30th, Warsaw (departing 1/9)
  • Jan 25, RWTH Aachen Charlemagne Distinguished Lecture, Aachen, Germany (departing 1/23)
  • Feb 22-23, Washington DC, CRA Leadership.
  • June 16-18, CSAIL Retreat
  • June 17-20, Manchester UK, British Mathematical Colloquium
  • July 9-12, Eindhoven, Juliacon 2024
  • July 22-23, CRA Board, Snowbird, Utah


  • Jan 31 CISE Colloquium, Gaineville, FL
  • May 14-18 The 24th Midrasha Mathematicae: Random Schrodinger Operators and Random Matrices, Jerusalem
  • Jun 12-21 FOCM 2023 Paris
  • Jul 25-29 Juliacon 2023, MIT Cambridge MA
  • Jul 14-18 Hampshire College
  • July 6-10 Joint Statistical Meeting Toronto
  • Jul 27-29 ASE60, MIT Cambridge, MA
  • Aug 14-17 Numerical Analysis in the 21st century, Oxford, UK


  • June 12-17 Selva di Fasano (Br), Italy Householder XXI
  • June 20-24 Seattle Conference on Random Matrix Theory and Numerical Linear Algebra
  • July 6-8 Manchester Nick Higham 60th
  • July 27-19 (virtual) JuliaCon 2022


  • (cancelled) May 1-3 Montreal Optimization Days
  • (cancelled) June 14-19 Selva di Fasano (Br), Italy Householder XXI
  • (cancelled) June 15-24 Vancouver FOCM 2020
  • (cancelled) July 13-16 Braunschweig (Brunswick) ICMS
  • (online) July 27-31 Lisbon Juliacon 2020


  • July 22-26 Baltimore, MD Juliacon 2019
  • October 20-25, Athens, Greece SPLASH 2019
  • November 21, Seattle U Wash Boeing Distingished Colloquium


  • January 15-23, Bangalore, India
  • February 22-24 Daka Bangladesh BASIS SoftExpo 2018
  • Feb 26-Mar 2 Providence ICERM Optimal and Random Point Configurations
  • April 21-24 San Sebastian, Spain Intl Spring School on High Performance Computing
  • May 3-May 7 Hong Kong SIAM Applied Linear Algebra
  • June 10-13, Freiburg, Germany IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop
  • July 2-6 Paris, Computer Science Summer School 2018 last year's
  • Aug 7-Aug 11 London Juliacon 2018


  • January 12-23, Singapore AStar
  • March 24-31, Pretoria, South Africa CSIR
  • June 18-23, Virginia, Tech Householder XX
  • July 10-19, Barcelona, Spain FOCM 2017
  • August 4, New York Two Sigma
  • Sep 12-14, Nasa Langley, Virginia NASA Langley Research Center
  • Oct 5 SUNY Binghamton NY Statistics Seminar and Dean's Lecture Colloquium
  • Dec 11-14 Boston IEEE Big Data


  • January 19, Singapore Sydney Random Matrix Theory Workshop
  • Feb 24 Cambridge, MA MIT Probability Seminar
  • May 15-16 Paris ScilabTec
  • May 19-23 Stockholm Sweden Institut Mittag-Leffler
  • June 8-13, Spa, Belgium Householder XIX
  • June 16-19, Tel Aviv Random Matrices special session at AMS-IMU
  • December 11-20 Montevideo, Uruguay FOCM 2014


  • January 8 San Diego CA Joint Mathematics Meeting, AMS Short Course on Random Matrices
  • January: Intel ISTC, Julia: A Fresh Approach to Technical Computing
  • Jan 29, 2013 UC Berkeley Applied Math Seminar
  • April 5 Hyatt Cambridge MA Deshpande Idea Stream
  • May 9-10 Philadelphia, PA Drexel University Distinguished Lecture
  • June 3-7 Providence, RI ILAS Providence
  • June 17-19, Ann Arbor MI Ann Arbor RMT Workshop
  • July 2-6, 2013, Toronto, Canada Fields Institute Toronto
  • Sep 11 2013 Waltham, MA HPEC 2014
  • Nov 9 2013 Cornell, Ithaca, NY Julia: A Fresh Approach to Technical Computing